Thursday, April 7, 2011


I had it in my head that I was going to build up a hearty little collection of pictures for those concerned but what I didn't anticipate was my battery dieing. That being said, these two pictures were the only one's I got. Its better than nothing right? Also, the new trainees head down to site visit tomorrow so, with any luck they should be able to access the internet. Also, as you maybe know, they have their phones. So there's that. Anyway, this weekend I'm going down to Blantyre to help guide their little souls as an act of orienting them to the wonder that is the Southern Region of Malawi so I should have pictures of people being sent to the South.


  1. Once again, Amy, you are our Hero(ine). It is such a breath of fresh air to be able to see our family through your eyes. I understand that you told Ross that "This is for your Dad," and therefore the thoughtful, scholarly pose. (we talked to him for the first time in Malawi this AM, just after we saw the photo.)

    Sorry to hear about the demise of your batteries, but hopefully a fresh charge is in the offing.

    Have a great trip with the trainees on their site visit tomorrow- and we will still faithfully follow your comments!

  2. Just a random couple of tidbits of info for friends/family of trainees back home who might be reading, since I see they now have phones--

    If you're calling them on skype with any regularity, you can buy Malawi-specific subcriptions, and it's only about 10 cents a minute (savings that can add up quickly, some of us have learned) :-)

    Or, if you use Vonage (this is what my regular phone service is through, so it works well for me), it's 9 cents a minute to call Malawi (their cheapest account is $10/month I think which includes domestic minutes)

  3. Toby, I hate to dissapoint, but that was not a pose. Ross was actually just standing like that. Happy to help. I hope he likes his site!
