Thursday, June 9, 2011

Ndapeze nyumba, kawiri!

"I found a house, again!"

Last week I went down to chiradzulu to look at houses that had already been scouted out. They were declined by the safety and security department of our office because of the amount of people in one compound and the toilet situation (shared..not cool by peace corps). Anyway, since that insident, I've been back in Lilongwe in meetings about what we are to do about my homelessness. Success! Monday I leave for Chiradzulu (right outside of Blantyre) where I'll be living in a guest house on a family compound. I'll take pictures as soon as possible and see if I can manage to get them online, or anywhere, really.

While I was down in the southern region, I got to stop by my old village. I saw a good friend's daugher in the distrcit hostpital, she's receiving TB medication and doing well.

Last weekend I went to the lake. It was wonderful.

Anyway, I'm here in Lilongwe until Monday morning when I head down south.


  1. You better post some pictures :-)

    So Happy that you are getting back to what you want to be doing!

    Keep us updated when you can.

  2. Glad to hear the good news - you deserve to continue your projects - just remember that doors close and windows open for a reason! Hugs,
