It's supposed to snow tonight.
A big thanks to Esme for the AMAZING guest post!
Mavericking is still tons of fun! Less fun, however, are the bruises all over my arms and legs and sternum and palms and feet from chucking and catching firewood. I'm excited to have bruises though; if you know me, you know that I don't bruise unless I'm seriously injured so this is exciting and new to me.
This morning, we met in the dining hall again at 6:00am and headed to the woodlot. We split wood. Then we stacked wood in the basement of chalet 14. We stacked an entire dump truck load so that took pretty much all morning. Before I had dishteam I took a load of stuff to the burnpile on the second level. I got to drive the truck because I'm one of the only mavericks who knows how to drive a manual. I dumped the load just fine but when I went to turn around (near the 2nd hold of the frisbee golf coarse for those of you who know Holden) I got stuck. It took me 40 minutes to dig out the tires and get un-stuck. By that time I was a half hour late to dishteam. I was the only one on clean and it lasted 2 and a half hours because we had 133 6th graders from Chelan come in today.
I went straight to work from dishteam because the Snack Bar had already been open for half an hour. I was so tired that Karen told me to go home and take a nap. Since I"m incapable of napping, I showered and cleaned a little and started doing Laundry. I'm finding comfort in the fact that these are all neccesary prepatory tasks to beging packing (sometime I will, I swear).
Anyway, I have 3 days left in the village. A lot of people I'vebeen friends with ALL SUMMER left today which is a little sad but that's me in a few days. I'm sad to go but I'm really anxious for things to come.
Oh, Sarah came to visit! She wasn't here very long and her time here basically consisted of walking around the village and near by it talking. It was GREAT to see her!
Can't wait to see you!!!