Thursday, February 10, 2011

forgot something

Future Peace Corps Volunteers of Malawi who are coming in...what, 2 weeks? Some of you are packed, some of you won't start until the night before you leave for staging, but I bet all of you are nervous. You've done enough blog, list, whatever stalking to see the recomended lists of what to bring. Here is my supplement:

  • I brought a small cast-iron skillet to country. I use it every day.
  • Bring a tent if you have it, you'll use it. If you don't have one by now, there's always someone to bum off of.
  • BRING A LAPTOP. You will NOT regret it.
  • Chacos.
  • Old Navy/american flip flops of your choice.
  • People from my group brought some coffee and french press to enjoy during made us happy.
  • Girls, bring something nice clothes/make-up but one set for events and swearing in. You won't where them ever again but if you have the space its nice. If not, borrowing is always an option.
  • Don't worry about bringing presents for people. They're happy with market stuff.
  • Something warm. Dedza is cold (50's-70's sometimes hotter but still cold).
  • Feminine products (if you are female in any way) enough to get you through training and after if you're picky....but you should get a diva cup (they sell them at REI). Amazing.
  • Clothes: Bring the clothes you wear in the US. You'll be comfortable. Don't go out and buy all new quick-dry, anti-microbial, SPF whatever, clothes. Uncessesary. I wear jeans and a tank-top/t-shirt. Bring a few skirts for homestay (as long as they don't show your knees when you're sitting but even if they're too short you can wear them with leggings under)
  • Load your laptop/harddrive with movies, music, and tv shows for you to watch/share.
  • I brouht parmesian cheese and have yet to regret it.

Before I came, I had a bunch of questions, so if you do, I check comments...but also, you can just find me on facebook. Hope that helps!

I'll be helping with your second week of training so I'll see you before too long!

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