- I brought a small cast-iron skillet to country. I use it every day.
- Bring a tent if you have it, you'll use it. If you don't have one by now, there's always someone to bum off of.
- BRING A LAPTOP. You will NOT regret it.
- Chacos.
- Old Navy/american flip flops of your choice.
- People from my group brought some coffee and french press to enjoy during training...it made us happy.
- Girls, bring something nice clothes/make-up but one set for events and swearing in. You won't where them ever again but if you have the space its nice. If not, borrowing is always an option.
- Don't worry about bringing presents for people. They're happy with market stuff.
- Something warm. Dedza is cold (50's-70's sometimes hotter but still cold).
- Feminine products (if you are female in any way) enough to get you through training and after if you're picky....but you should get a diva cup (they sell them at REI). Amazing.
- Clothes: Bring the clothes you wear in the US. You'll be comfortable. Don't go out and buy all new quick-dry, anti-microbial, SPF whatever, clothes. Uncessesary. I wear jeans and a tank-top/t-shirt. Bring a few skirts for homestay (as long as they don't show your knees when you're sitting but even if they're too short you can wear them with leggings under)
- Load your laptop/harddrive with movies, music, and tv shows for you to watch/share.
- I brouht parmesian cheese and have yet to regret it.
Before I came, I had a bunch of questions, so if you do, I check comments...but also, you can just find me on facebook. Hope that helps!
I'll be helping with your second week of training so I'll see you before too long!
Thanks Amy!